Television subtitles

Sir, – I have attempted to watch National Treasures on RTÉ. It was impossible to watch. As a person with hearing difficulties, I could not comprehend what was going on. The synch was totally off. If you are a hearing person, have a look with the sound turned off and the subtitles on.

To say that RTÉ provides subtitling for hard of hearing people is a joke. When the word is difficult, the subtitler does not bother; if a word is wrong and they have to go back, they then type so fast that it is impossible to read. I could go on. Several programmes are not subtitled at all. This means that TV is not accessible at all to those with hearing difficulties; we are treated with complete disdain.

This is discrimination on a huge scale. Why are we paying a licence when there is no service? – Yours, etc,




Dublin 15.