Spirituality And Science

Sir, - Canon Thomas Kelleher (September 24th) is correct when he supports Dr William Reville's view - and also the Pope's - that…

Sir, - Canon Thomas Kelleher (September 24th) is correct when he supports Dr William Reville's view - and also the Pope's - that people are neglecting things of the spirit. With respect to the Canon, I suggest that the institutionalised churches and their educators are more responsible than the people.

As a member of an established church may I say that I experienced more spirituality walking in the forest, or in my garden, or even by looking at a humble blade of grass, than I do inside the walls of any man-made structure?

Science and religion are like oil and water as far as the churches are concerned. Many of the world's great thinkers have declared this to be wrong. The classic example is the French Jesuit, Teilhard de Chardin, who said: "Science and religion are opposite sides of the same coin."

St Paul said that "to our faith we should add knowledge", and the Master, Jesus, said: "Seek and ye shall find."


But until our educators take on the subject of metaphysics and the faith, the ordinary people are not equipped to consider these things. No wonder spirituality is largely missing as congregations continue to decline. - Yours, etc.

Douglas McCowan, Templeville Road, Dublin 6W.