So how many climbed Croagh Patrick?

Sir, – Reading the newspapers, it appears that someone, whether intentionally or otherwise, has grossly underestimated, or overestimated, the number of pilgrims who made the climb of Croagh Patrick at the weekend.

The Irish Daily Mail states that "25,000 scale Croagh Patrick in traditional Reek Sunday pilgrimage" with a photograph of smiling happy people of all ages and a densely packed trail going up the mountain in the background.

The Irish Times claims the number was 12,000 – "Drop in numbers climbing Croagh Patrick" – with a unremarkable photograph of a solitary elderly male making his way up the shale path.

The photograph on page five added to the impression of a drop in numbers.


Who are we to believe? What was the actual number of people who climbed Croagh Patrick? Will we ever truly know?

If a future scholar wished to avail of reliable numbers of those who climbed the mountain this weekend, where would he or she get the data?

It would be interesting to know which figure is more accurate.

– Yours, etc,



Co Waterford.