Russia and the European elections

Sir, – A recent letter ("EU must guard against election meddling" , February 16th) by a group of US and European former functionaries and politicians deserves brief comment.

While the overall message is certainly correct – elections anywhere should be free from outside interference – the underlying assumption that this interference comes from Russia, defies both facts and logic. It has never been a policy of the Russian government to influence the electoral process of any state or regional organisation, nor is there any desire in Moscow to get into the European politics.

Consequently, the letter seems to be just another small chapter of the defamation campaign against Russia, invented by the US Democratic party apparatus to cover up their loss in the 2016 presidential elections.

One can only hope that Europeans have enough common sense to elect European Parliament the way they wish, free from such kind of outside counselling. – Yours, etc,



Press-attaché of the

Embassy of the

Russian Federation in



Dublin 14.