Rugby World Cup – victory and defeat

Sir, – England lost the final of the Rugby World Cup to a better team on Saturday. However, they were victorious in tough preceding games, and to end the contest in second place was no mean achievement. What a pity, therefore, that some of the team removed their runner-up medals after presentation, and one member even refused to have his medal placed around his neck.

Everybody admires a good loser, but England forfeited this admiration by their insult to World Rugby with their reluctance to accept defeat in a sporting manner. It was sad that they concluded their participation in this great event in this manner. – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.

Sir, – I was very disappointed to see so many England players removing their medals as soon as they had walked away from the podium.

It was an insult to their opponents, to the hosts and to the game of rugby. – Yours, etc,



Sir, – The petulance shown by the English players refusing to wear their medals explains fully why the entire universe with the exception of the English themselves were supporting South Africa. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 18.