Review of Ghosting

Madam, - The review by Rosita Boland of Jennie Erdal's Ghosting (Weekend Review, January 22nd January) does seem to accept her…

Madam, - The review by Rosita Boland of Jennie Erdal's Ghosting (Weekend Review, January 22nd January) does seem to accept her book at face value.

Nowhere in the review is there a hint that some of the material is perhaps inaccurate or deliberately distorted for effect; or that some of the events chronicled never took place as described.

The book started as a roman-à-clef about her experience in publishing and should have remained in that category.

To add insult to injury, and under cover of creative licence, Erdal has even fabricated a love letter to my wife, which takes pride of place at the beginning of the book. Surely this should have alerted any reviewer to the level of credence to be placed in the rest of the material. It is nothing less than a mischievous fantasy masquerading as reality.


In Erdal's own words, in the concluding chapter of the book, "all story-tellers are liars - not to be trusted".

She expounds further on this theory, and your reviewer should have taken more note of what is at least an honest statement. - Yours, etc.,

N.I. ATTALLAH, Shepard Market, London W1.