Refugees and integration

A chara, – Patsy McGarry defends the lack of prior consultation in Ballaghaderreen as it would have "provided a platform for the naysayers who are always with us" ("State right not to consult Ballaghaderreen on refugees", Opinion & Analysis, January 11th).

So much for the voice of the people. – Is mise,


Dublin 6.


Sir, – Patsy McGarry is correct that consultations in Ballaghaderreen would just have been an opportunity for dissent to be expressed.

But isn’t that what consultations are for? Or is his column written in the spirit of Myles na gCopaleen? – Yours, etc,



Sir, – Laudable as it may be that we take in 40 migrant children from Calais, the cost is staggering at €11.5 million in the first year, with no indication as to future annual costs, but they are unlikely to be significantly lower year on year ("Cabinet to hear ¤11.5 million needed to relocate 40 Calais minors", January 10th). That means we will do so at a cost of almost €290,000 per child in the first year, and most likely a similar cost in subsequent years.

We have a homeless crisis of major proportions constantly on our front pages, with a Government unwilling or unable to resolve it, and a stand-off currently under way at the Apollo House project, yet we are prepared to contemplate a ridiculous expenditure to meet “our international obligations”. There are no circumstances whatsoever that can justify this situation.

When we have solved our own issues, and €11.5 million per annum would do so very quickly, we might extend a helping hand on the migrant issue. – Yours, etc,


Bray, Co Wicklow.

Sir, – Relocating 40 minors is to cost €11.5 million, ie €287,500 per minor per year. Where are they staying? Trump Tower? – Yours, etc,



A chara, – The cost to this State of relocating 40 unaccompanied migrant children is equivalent to what we spend on the National Lottery in 11 days. I would rather rescue a child than almost win the Lotto any day. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.