Questions for the Tánaiste

Sir, – If Frances Fitzgerald knew in 2015 that the then-Garda Commissioner had instructed lawyers to question the credibility of Maurice McCabe but did not do anything about it, it might explain why she could subsequently never bring herself to sack Nóirín O’Sullivan. The Government inexplicably refused to act decisively against the former head of the Garda Síochána, despite her presiding over an ever-increasing litany of scandals. She, of course, eventually resigned.

Perhaps the Tánaiste’s failure to behave ruthlessly towards Ms O’Sullivan was just because she is, as one Fianna Fáil TD says, “a lovely lady”. On the other hand, maybe it was because Ms Fitzgerald was over a barrel and, like all good politicians, has a powerful instinct for self-preservation. – Yours, etc,


Arbour Hill,


Dublin 7.

Sir, – The present shenanigans in the Dáil involving the Tánaiste and the Taoiseach, with their evasions and contradictions, bring to mind Fine Gael’s “democratic revolution”, with its promise of openness and transparency. One of my dictionaries says that if something is transparent it can be “easily seen through”. Enough said! – Yours, etc,



Dublin 13.