Quarantine regulations

Sir, – I have not seen my mother, who is in a nursing home in Dublin, since January 2020. I just received my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine and have a ticket to travel to Ireland on April 26th.

I have been told that I still must quarantine for two weeks, even though I am prepared to take a test, always wear a mask, and keep socially distant.

Can someone explain this to me? – Yours, etc,




Wisconsin, US.

Sir, – I am afraid, angry and amazed that the Government is not taking immediate steps to keep its citizens living in Ireland safe by not quarantining all people travelling into Ireland from the US, France, Italy, Germany and all countries with a high level of the virus. The fact there are many Irish people living in these countries who may want to come home is the exact reason why quarantining is a must. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 14.