Public services cards and ID cards

A chara, – I note Minister for Health Simon Harris’s assurances that people have nothing to fear from public services cards and that they merely exist to ensure people can claim their entitlements from the State (News, August 30th). I welcome this assurance.

I, in turn, take this opportunity to assure Mr Harris and his colleagues that they too have absolutely nothing to fear from the next general election. It merely exists, and is held, to ensure that people can exercise their democratic entitlements. I trust that Mr Harris is as reassured as I am. – Is mise,





Sir, – I would like to have a coffee (I will pay) with someone who can explain lucidly and unemotionally what is the objection to and fear of the public services card. Please note this invitation does not extend to criminals and tax evaders, who I imagine are among those with genuine concerns about transparency. – Yours, etc,


Shankill, Co Dublin.

Sir, – I note the current upsurge in unrest about the public services card and implications for privacy. I wonder how many of those objecting use mobile phones, Facebook and Twitter, etc. I also note that CyberSafeIreland has warned parents about the personal information they are giving away when they post back-to-school photographs on social media. And people are concerned about privacy regarding the public services card? – Yours, etc,



Sir, – We have heard a lot lately about openness and accountability, so why the fear and quaking over a public service card that can help us all keep a watchful eye on the rogues and chancers who bleed the State dry or thumb their noses at lawful authority?

White collar, blue collar or no collar, a public service/ID card is an essential weapon in the fight to overcome the advantages that criminal elements and their business equivalents have at their disposal.

I fully accept that there are good people out there who genuinely fear the disclosure of personal details for reasons unconnected with questionable behaviour, or indeed, anti-establishment views but, for the security of our country, we must accept that the days of laid-back bobby-style policing are gone. Inward migration, on a scale never seen before, makes identity cards a must for everyone in the country. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 5.