Protest march to US embassy

Sir, – I believe that I now know the true meaning of the word disrespect. To me it is when 5,000 people, mainly young and healthy, defy the concept of social distancing and march to make a point (News, June 1st).

That point seems to me to be that the lives of older and vulnerable people do not matter.

All of the protesters will later inevitably have met and mingled with older and vulnerable people and potentially spread to them the virus that causes Covid-19 that they may have picked up from others at the mass gathering.

As a doctor who worked in the area of infectious disease, I am very aware of how easily respiratory illness is transmitted and everybody is aware, protesters included, of the consequences of a Covid infection on older or vulnerable people.


To deliberately ignore that is selfish, reckless and of course completely disrespectful of the huge efforts and sacrifices older people have made through cocooning and playing their part to limit the spread of the disease.

They deserve better! – Yours, etc,



Dublin 4.