Property tax and a general election

Sir, – I am delighted to hear that there is to be a pre-election discussion between the Government and Fianna Fáil with regard to property tax reforms (“Varadkar seeks to secure broad FF support for rest of Dáil term”, News, January 5th).

As a recent pensioner, I find that because of where I live, the amount that I have to pay in property tax is staggering.

I bought my modest home almost 50 years ago.

At one stage I was paying 17 per cent interest on the mortgage! It is absolutely unfair that at this stage of my life I am now crippled with this extra tax burden.


I believe in paying a “fair share” but this is unjust. I urge the Government to modify this tax in a fair and just manner. – Yours, etc,



Co Wicklow.