Sir, - I was astonished to read such a vitriolic attack by Kevin Myers on ex-President Robinson (An Irishman's Diary, October 11th).
I have often chuckled at some of his conceits in the past and applauded some of the bees in his bonnet, but this particular bee is no joke. It stings viciously and unjustly.
The piece is grossly unfair and insulting to someone who has been prepared to fill nearly every day for seven years with service to the community (condemned as "visitaholic") - less, of course, the few weeks which Mr Myers describes as "bolting", "abandoning with the job undone", "swanning off" to a better job and doing a "midnight flit".
Mary Robinson is now in an absolutely vital job in which her experience and compassion can play a positive role. Mr Myers seems lamentably short in that department too. - Yours, etc.,
Carrigrohane, Co Cork.