Sir, - Any student or visitor who walks through the doors of Queen's University Students' Union will notice a large sign that spells out the keystone of our organisation. It reads, "It is the policy of this union not to discriminate on the grounds of gender, sexual preference, political belief, religious affiliation, physical ability or race. Please respect this policy at all times."
This is a message that is clear and simple, yet it is a message that underpins the very essence of what a stable political society should be. At a Student Representative Council meeting on Thursday, February 18th, the Ulster Unionist Party and the Democratic Unionist Association at Queen's sat fit to rip this policy apart by blocking a proposal for Sinn Fein and the PUP to become recognised societies at Queen's Students' Union.
Both Sinn Fein and the PUP had the full backing of the Students' Union Executive. During this meeting, which was one of the most acrimonious in memory, the Ulster Unionists and the DUP showed that the politics of exclusion was a central tenet of their beliefs. They also showed that a pluralist, all-inclusive and forward-thinking policy was complete anathema to them and had no place in their vision of today's society. The unionist block on the student council saw fit to use the constitution to sideline democratic and legitimate student groups. Fundamentally, however, they also used the constitution to deprive both Sinn Fein and the Progressive Unionist Party of the same democratic provisions that they themselves happily flaunt on regular occasions.
As President of the Students' Union, I will not tolerate exclusion and discrimination against any group within Queen's. Measures are currently being enacted which will, in practical terms, overturn this very petty and tribal insult. - Yours, etc., Paul McGarrity,
Union President, The Students' Union, The Queen's University of Belfast, Belfast 7.