People driving and people cycling

A chara, – I would like to reassure Frank Slowey (Letters, April 28th) that as I enthusiastically attempt to arrive alive at work every morning, I have nobody to have animated discourse with as I cycle alone along the road (never the footpath), negotiate staying out of the door zone of parked vehicles to my left while being overtaken at speed on my right, try to position myself safely at junctions, and generally attempt to stay safe while not harming anyone else.

I would be delighted to avail of segregated cycling paths so as not to force other road users to travel a little more slowly than they would like, but as there is no cycling infrastructure on my route to work, I instead “share” the road with people driving motor vehicles that are far larger, heavier and faster than my trusty bicycle.

Every day I and other people on bikes experience illegal and dangerous overtakes from the people driving these motor vehicles as they hurry to get to the next red light a few seconds sooner.

On other routes, where the cycle lanes consist of lines of paint, the way is frequently blocked by parked vehicles.


A little reciprocal courtesy would be very welcome indeed. So would an understanding of the difference between minor inconvenience and life-endangering behaviour. – Is mise,


Dublin 12.

Sir, – A quick fact-check (Letters, April 28th). There is no such thing as a vehicular lane, a cyclist is not an obstruction but a road user with equal entitlements to other road users, cycle lanes are not mandatory for good reasons, cars break far more hips and worse than bicycles, and courtesy may be pleasant when using a car but it is a matter of life an death for vulnerable road users. – Yours, etc,




Co Kildare.