Paying for public-service broadcasting

Sir, – I see that we will be short of funding for RTÉ to the tune of 70,000 licence fees (News, March 5th). Just as well, then, that half the programmes we see on RTÉ are repeats, with most shows being repeated at least once in the same week, then again six months later, and yet again at least once more further along, saving RTÉ the trouble and expense of making new programmes for those time-slots. It makes one wonder. For example, should we follow the RTÉ lead and simply take out last year's licence at renewal time, and just write "Repeat" on it? If it's sauce for the goose. – Yours, etc,



Co Wexford.


Sir,– It was with a little pleasure that I read that sales of TV licences have fallen by 70,000 in the last year.

Of all the bills I pay, the one I resent most is the bill for the TV licence.

It is the only tax that we are harassed into paying through threatening reminders on TV and radio.

I also feel I’m paying on the double for RTÉ programmes. because, the State, through RTÉ, also forces me to listen to endless advertisements to pay for their service.

The prospect of having to face the intrusion of a licence inspector knocking on my door adds further to my resentment.

Why not pay for RTÉ through general taxation, just as we pay for our other public services, such as education and health? – Yours, etc,


Dublin 3.