A chara, - In your report (February 13th) into the publication of a document by the US Lawyers Committee for Human Rights calling for an Independent Judicial Inquiry into the death of Pat Finucane, you misrepresented the Sinn Féin position.
It is claimed that "the two governments and the North's political parties agreed last summer that an international judge should oversee the Finucane case". This is not the case. Sinn Féin's position after Weston Park is a matter of public record. The Weston Park position of August 1st, 2001, is a joint statement by the Irish and British governments. In respect of this position we raised substantial public and private objections.
In particular we said in respect of the issue of inquiries:
"Sinn Féin has refused to make these high profile cases a matter for bargaining or bartering in negotiations on policing. Our position on this issue mirrors that of the families - there should be a full, independent, judicial inquiry into each case and it should be initiated immediately."
Sinn Féin believes that this is the only way the truth surrounding the killing of Pat Finucane and other similar cases can be established. - Is mise,
Vice-president Sinn Féin,
Parnell Square,
Dublin 1.