National Oral Health Policy

Sir, – I welcome your coverage of the recently published National Oral Health Policy, Smile agus Sláinte, in the Health + Family supplement (July 23rd). The Dental Council welcomes the policy as it provides a framework to address some of the structural weaknesses in the regulatory environment.

We look forward to working with the Department of Health, the Irish Dental Association and other stakeholders on its implementation.

I was, however, surprised by the suggestion from a member of the profession that the treatment of children is optional. Dentists in private practice are certainly entitled to be recompensed for providing treatment, but it is concerning that some dentists would specifically choose to not treat children.

While dentists are expected to work solely within their competence, they are otherwise obliged to provide all members of the community with reasonable access to good oral healthcare. – Yours, etc,




Dental Council,

Merrion Square, Dublin 2.