National Cultural Institutions

Sir, – With reference to the letter from Robert Ballagh (January 10th), I write as the current chairman and member of the Council of National Cultural Institutions (CNCI).

The CNCI was established under the Heritage Fund Act 2001 and its membership comprises the directors of the National Museum, the National Library, the National Gallery, the Arts Council, the Heritage Council, the Irish Museum of Modern Art, the National Concert Hall, the Crawford Art Gallery, the Chester Beatty Library, the Abbey Theatre and the National Archives.

In all activities the directors, staff and colleagues within the national cultural institutions work very hard to produce, protect, preserve, curate, make available, develop and celebrate Ireland’s cultural and creative heritage. It is a great responsibility and privilege which we have all committed to.

We work in an international environment and many Irish people hold prestigious positions in major cultural and artistic roles around the world, and it is regretful that we now need to affirm that we hold our posts regardless of nationality or other bias. – Yours, etc,




National Archives,

Dublin 8.