Murder of a teenager

A chara, – The levels of savagery in our society have reached new depths with the barbaric murder and dismemberment of a child in his teenage years ("Human body parts found in two locations are those of missing teenager, gardaí suspect", News, January 15th).

The lack of humanity in such an act speaks volumes about what we are willing to tolerate as a nation. It is all too obvious that we are becoming inured to violent crime and the proliferation of drug use which fuels these dreadful acts.

We face into a general election in a few weeks and the new government, regardless of its composition, will have several pressing issues to deal with, including the provision of a functioning health service and a solution to the housing crisis.

However, one of its most vital tasks will be to legislate for tougher sentencing for violent crime and drug-dealing and to provide the necessary policing to maintain law and order on our streets.


It is also incumbent on the judiciary to deal ruthlessly with these criminals when they appear before them as the perception among the wider public is that sentencing for the most part is too lenient.

If ever a policy of “zero tolerance” was needed, it is now. – Is mise,



Co Carlow.