Mixing communism and capitalism

Sir, – I was so happy to note that at long last your paper has published a letter (“The other side of Poland”, July 6th) which…

Sir, – I was so happy to note that at long last your paper has published a letter (“The other side of Poland”, July 6th) which admitted that communism did some good.

Forty years ago I had the privilege of living and experiencing the future for four and a half years on an Israeli kibbutz which in those days were still realistic, pioneering, sustainable and viable “communist” communes.

A political, social, economic and cultural system that can embrace capitalism, socialism and communism within its borders appears to be the best of options in our uncertain future.

We in Ireland need to open up our closed minds. We are where we are due to the blinkered thinking of our politicians and opinion makers. Vincent Browne and John Waters excluded of course. – Yours, etc,



Kilcoole, Co Wicklow.