Matter of opinion

A chara, – Bernie Linnane (Letters, June 4th) mischaracterises Paul O'Beirne's letter of June 1st. Mr O'Beirne was in no way claiming the right to "uncritical agreement" with his every opinion; rather he was making the point that he was increasingly unwilling, as someone with somewhat conservative views, to express any opinion at all because of the disdain, ridicule, and appalling verbal abuse he has received in the past for doing so. The ability to disagree agreeably with those who hold very different views to one's own is the hallmark of a civilised society; yet Mr O'Beirne was publicly treated as if he were some kind of a Nazi for reluctantly admitting he was in favour of Brexit. Such behaviour can in no way be considered a reasoned critique of an opinion one happens to disagree with; it is an attempt to humiliate, crush and ultimately silence those who hold opposing views. – Is mise,



Co Kilkenny.