Marking time – BC, BCE

Sir, – I’m puzzled why Ray Leonard regards the use of BC and AD as “sectarian” yet seems content to designate the current year as “2022” (Letters, March 16th).

Only one person in human history has ever died and been raised back to life, never to die again. He was about five years old in AD 1. A senior infant who can split our calendars in two is far more than just another leader of just another religion.

Whatever letters of the alphabet Mr Leonard prefers, his use of “2022” means he’s still reckoning years based on the historical figure of Jesus of Nazareth.

– Yours, etc,




Dublin 18.

A chara, – Ray Leonard (Letters, March 16th) is exercised by your use of BC (Before Christ) rather than what he calls the more inclusive and non-discriminatory BCE (Before Common Era).

I have not been a Christian for 50 years and I am happy to use BC/AD, for the following reasons: BC/AD is a commonly accepted standard and does not require belief in any religion; CE/BCE can be confused, and the “more inclusive and non-discriminatory BCE” still marks the supposed birth of Christ; it just covers it up in mealy-mouthed way.

By the way, the present month is named for the Roman war-god, Mars, and this year is also AUC 2,775.

Is mise le meas,


Murcia, Spain.