Sir, – Another reputable institution, Abbey College on Dame Street, has closed down, forcing 20 teachers and staff into redundancy, and causing over 500 international students to lose their fees.
And all because of the Government’s so-called “five-year strategy” designed to improve the current industry and double the intake of overseas students over the next five years. The new legislation, forced all visa students onto a degree course after just three years studying English language, whether they were capable of progressing to higher education or not. Otherwise they were prevented from continuing their studies here, and sent home.
This policy was implemented far too rapidly; published in November 2010 and launched in January 2011 it gave neither colleges nor students the time they needed to adapt.
The pictures now appearing in the press of angry, bitter and resentful students walking the streets as they look for yet another new school is not the message we want to send overseas – yet this is the message that is being sent.
Instead of revitalising the industry, the Government seems intent upon killing it. – Yours, etc,