Leadership and the pandemic

Sir, – While I am bored silly by the constant dribble of leaks, winks and hints, I have little difficulty in accepting the ongoing need for isolation and precautions. Likewise, the lack of a clear roadmap out of the current restrictions causes me little distress. I understand that this will depend on future conditions, which are not always predictable.

But what does annoy me is that the same sacrifices made during the earlier lockdowns were so wantonly wasted.

I understood last year that we were accepting the restrictions not only to spread the load on our hospitals, but also to buy time to put in place structures and processes that would enable us to manage the epidemic.

Instead, the time that we gained was simply wasted.


We’re a year into this now –a year! – and we still lack a credible track-and-trace system, while effective isolation of those entering the country remains under discussion. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.

Sir, – Forgive me for having mistakenly believed that our politicians were fighting a pandemic rather than a popularity contest.

Decisions taken in respect of the pandemic must be driven solely by considerations of the welfare of society, including health and economic considerations, and ought to not be motivated in any way by considerations of popularity.

Political leadership is about taking the right decisions at the right time, even if those decisions are unpopular. – Yours, etc,



Co Wicklow.