Lack of restrictions on return to Dublin

Sir, – On Monday, July 20th my wife and I landed at Dublin International Airport after flying from Amsterdam and, having completed the statutory arrivals form, we proceeded by car to Co Tyrone in Northern Ireland where we live.

The previous day we had originally flown from Durban to Johannesburg, taken a taxi to the Dutch embassy in Pretoria, who kindly arranged for one of the last repatriation flights for EU citizens out of South Africa where there is an international ban on all flights and then back by coach to Johannesburg Airport for the flight to the Netherlands.

In all, we had travelled through numerous provinces in South Africa, particularly Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal where Covid-19 is on the increase; we were on public transport and on three packed flights with the distinct likelihood of us being exposed to the virus.

Nonetheless, there was no requirement or instructions for us to self-isolate when we passed through Dublin Airport nor was it compulsory to wear masks in the airport nor wear them at a services station in Co Monaghan when we stopped for petrol and refreshments.


In South Africa it is mandatory to wear a mask at all times when in public or face the possibility of arrest.

In Ireland, it seems travellers can fly in from a country such as South Africa where the infection is spreading at an alarming rate and no checks, no masks and just no common sense.

We are now self-isolating for two weeks. – Yours, etc,



Co Tyrone.