Keeping it simple

Madam, – In September 2004 I wrote to The Irish Time s about the use of the word “fissiparous” in an Editorial some days earlier…

Madam, – In September 2004 I wrote to The Irish Times about the use of the word "fissiparous" in an Editorial some days earlier. I complained that the word would not be readily understandable to your average reader. You kindly (?) published my letter under the heading "Keep it simple please".

Lo and behold, "fissiparous" has popped up again in another editorial; this time in the Guardian(October 22nd).

While I continue to disapprove of deliberate obscurism; I must congratulate The Irish Timeson being five years ahead of its opposition in the field of editorial gobbledegook.

If you can’t be simple be quick (like Jack in the nursery rhyme). Keep up the good work!


PS Might I suggest the following motto for the newspaper editors' association: Per umbris in nebulam(through the shadows into the fog). – Yours, etc,


O’Connell Street,
