It happened to a bishop

Sir, – Further to "No, I'm not the secretary! The trials of Ireland's only woman bishop" (September 8th), Bishop Storey may have her trials due to her high office but the real miracle she encountered was finding a bank with a real cashier and one willing, eventually, to take a cheque for lodgment. – Yours, etc,



Co Westmeath.


Sir, – Patsy McGarry’s front-page article on the trials of Ireland’s only woman bishop was read in our house with amusement, although, in a country where the majority was brought up in the Roman Catholic tradition, it is understandable that most people believe bishops are men.

What is not understandable is that Bishop Pat Storey’s age was divulged.

In other articles, Micheál Martin, Paschal Donohoe, Denis Naughten and John Halligan were among the men featured. We did not discover their ages.

I hope there is a good reason for telling us how old the bishop is.

Or is it just because she’s a woman? – Yours, etc,



Co Wicklow.