Is nuclear power really ‘Alarming’?

A chara, – Una Mullally describes as "alarming" the idea that nuclear power is "on the table" as a solution for Ireland's energy needs ("Why are we facilitating data centres?", November 22nd).

Nuclear power is not only safe, it is the largest source of green energy across Europe. At the recent Cop26 climate event in Glasgow, the lights in the conference centre were literally kept on by Scottish Power’s nuclear plants, which were providing six-times more clean CO2-free energy than all of that country’s wind turbines combined.

What is alarming is that after 20 years of investment in wind energy, Ireland’s electricity is still many times dirtier than that of France or Sweden (who use nuclear in combination with renewables), and we still burn coal and increasing amounts of imported gas.

It’s high time we took another look at what other options are “on the table”.


– Yours, etc,



Dublin 13.