Irish-British relations – tensions rise

A chara, – Your editorial "Tensions rise as friends diverge" (September 9th) refers to the growing tension in Irish-British relations. In my opinion, this rising tension between "old friends" is a healthy and positive development. At last, Dublin (ie the Government) seems prepared to stand up for the Irish people North and South. Dublin seems prepared to take a more critical approach to the British government's lack of clarity regarding Brexit and the Border in Ireland. The Taoiseach's remarks in Belfast – "You created this problem, do not expect us to sort it out" – was a welcome change of attitude and tone. Simon Coveney's call on the British to stay in the EU customs union in order to protect the Belfast Agreement signals a new and welcome approach showing concern for the fears of people in Border communities and those who travel frequently across the Border. The British Tory government showed scant regard for the peace process when they did a deal with the DUP in return for their support. It is encouraging to see that the Dublin government is prepared to take a more independent approach with the British. Tension between Dublin and London represents a more honest and a more realistic relationship after Brexit while the London government continues to claim total sovereignty over a corner of Ireland and would even consider a return to border controls. The North must be granted special status, as in Cyprus. Until this is assured, the tension is not likely to go away. – Is mise,



Co Fermanagh.