Irexit and growing pains

Sir, – Buoyed up, no doubt, by the anticipated success of Brexit, Hermann Kelly would have us follow a similar Irexit route ("Irexit party founder says 'dung' from EU 'will help us grow'", News, September 8th).

Fair enough, but could it be pointed out to Mr Kelly and others who may propose to “plant seeds” (as he apparently proposes to) that, horticulturally and biblically, one plants “plants” and “sows” seeds.

And, of course, the flung dung that he seems to eagerly anticipate from “Europhiles” will be of no use unless his seed, when sown, actually germinates. In light of our neighbours’ convulsions in the matter, let’s hope for barren ground for this particular seed. – Yours, etc,




Co Wexford.