Ireland’s Miss Liberty

Sir, – Paula Murphy is correct in pointing out the Irish connection to the American double eagle gold coin ("Eagle eyes", April 1st; "Holy grail of collector's items", News, March 27th) by the Dublin-born designer Augustus Saint-Gaudens. The sculptor was seeking models for his coins and left his studio to go for lunch. There fate intervened as he was served by a 24-year-old Irish immigrant, Mary Cunningham from Carrick, Co Donegal. Saint-Gaudens took one look at her and found the girl he had been seeking: the straight classical nose-line, the strong chin, the almost angular facial features. He persuaded the young waitress to pose for him. Mary was suspicious but she was assured that everything would be very proper.

When the coins went into circulation, the trouble started. It was because an Irish immigrant was representing Liberty on the new coins. The National Order of Independent American Conservatives protested against the face of Mary Cunningham on American coins.

The fact that the designer was also born in Ireland seemed to go unnoticed. – Yours, etc,



Numismatic Society

of Ireland,

Dublin 2.