Ireland and Tibet

Sir, – I agree with everything said in Dr David O'Brien's article "Ireland has a moral duty to help Uighurs" (Opinion & Analysis, August 3rd), including his assertion that, "Ireland has a moral duty to use its influence and experience to help bring about an end to this appalling campaign of persecution."

However, Ireland has had an equally pressing moral duty to help the Tibetans since 1959 – and, indeed, was a co-sponsor of UN General Assembly resolutions that recognised the Tibetan people’s right to self-determination, but successive Irish governments, ministers for foreign affairs, and the Department of Foreign Affairs have done little or nothing to help bring about an end to the appalling campaign of persecution and cultural genocide inflicted on the Tibetan people, other than “weak hand-wringing statements about being aware of what is happening” – as Dr O’Brien describes their “efforts” as regards the Uighurs.

Ireland, of course, has also held a seat on the UN Security Council at times during those past 60 years.

Sadly, I must recommend that Dr O’Brien, the Uighurs, and their supporters do not hold their breath while waiting for Ireland “to use its influence and experience”. – Yours, etc,





Tibet Support

Group – Ireland,

Co Wicklow.