Illogical speed limits

Sir, – I agree with Sally Sweeney (Letters, August 21st).

There are numerous illogical speed limits. I think I’ve a better example, though.

Back in May, I noticed all budding rally drivers could legitimately practise their skills on the way down from “Ladies’ View” overlooking Killarney’s Lakes towards Torc Waterfall, as the limit was a very modest 100 km/h.

Actually reaching that speed and keeping a car on the road would be an achievement. – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.

Sir, – On the outskirts of Templenoe, Co Kerry, a new sign with a speed limit of 100 km/h has been erected at what appears to be a long, straight road, albeit with a narrowing for a bridge and a slight dip in the road.

Walkers and cyclists use this road and school-buses stop there in term time. There are a number of entrances to houses and to the forestry.

Despite the high volume of traffic the recent road markings encourage overtaking and there has been an increased incidence of vehicles overtaking drivers who have indicated their intention to turn right. The combination of these two factors is very concerning. – Yours, etc,




Co Kerry.