Huawei and cyber-security

Sir, – Unsubstantiated allegations from an unnamed US government official questioning the security of Ireland's 5G network featuring Huawei equipment are false and misleading ("US reiterates opposition to Huawei equipment being used for Irish 5G", News, February 18th).

Huawei has never and will never access intellectual property and data covertly via telecom networks. Nor do we have the capability to do so in Ireland or in any of the over 170 countries we provide telecoms infrastructure equipment to.

Huawei strongly opposes the politicisation of 5G technology, and the US government’s continuing efforts to influence other governments’ decisions regarding their choice of 5G equipment vendors.

Vendors should not be treated differently based on country of origin. We believe that managing cyber-security should be based on facts and standardisation, not on speculation and prejudice.


Last month the European Commission issued a set of guidelines on the use of vendors for building the EU’s 5G networks, which enables Huawei to continue participating in Europe’s 5G roll-out.

This non-biased and fact-based approach towards 5G security allows Ireland and its EU partners to have a more secure and faster 5G network.

Huawei has been a trusted partner in Ireland for the past 15 years, and is part of Ireland’s digital ecosystem.

We currently employ 500 directly and indirectly here in Dublin, Cork, and Athlone.

Our recent announcement of a €70 million investment into Irish research and development over the next three years demonstrates our ambitions for our future here.

We are fully committed to being part of the roll out of 5G across Ireland, helping to create a world-leading digital infrastructure that will contribute to Ireland’s future economic success. – Yours, etc,


Chief Executive,

Huawei Ireland,

Dublin 4.