HSE management – dissenting opinions

Sir, – If it wasn't already clear, it is surely beyond a doubt now that the HSE lacks any confidence within itself to be able to engage maturely with divergent views from one of its senior managers ("Doctor resigns from hospital group after comments on 'draconian' Covid-19 curbs", News, September 16th).

The consequence of this when combined with an all-powerful NPHET committee advising a dysfunctional Cabinet is to subject Ireland to a long and sustained period of recession where the best future our young adults have to look forward to is a life of handouts and idleness.

For God’s sake, will Micheál Martin take himself out of his misery and appoint a Covid advisory committee made up of a cross-section of society and politics so that all views are represented equally and honestly without bias in one area or another. – Yours, etc,




Co Limerick.

Sir, – The resignation of Dr Martin Feeley is disappointing whether one agrees with his views or not.

A culture where medical staff are afraid to voice views for fear of dismissal is not a healthy environment for anyone to work in.

Dr Feeley, like all doctors, is accountable to the Medical Council, while nurses are accountable to the Nursing and Midwifery board.

In contrast, no independent body oversees the performance of health service management in Ireland.

The Department of Health is currently introducing a mandatory disclosure system.

Under this system, it will be possible to file a complaint against a doctor or nurse for non-disclosure with their respective regulatory bodies.

Regrettably it appears no independent body will exist to investigate non-disclosure by health service management.

The double standards whereby frontline staff risk losing their licence to practice for failings while health service management are never accountable needs to be reviewed.

The requirement for an independent body to investigate health service managerial failings and bring them into line with their frontline colleagues becomes more urgent every day. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 18.