Healy-Rae’s 115 questions

Sir, – Having gone to college in less politically correct times, when telling jokes about men from the Kingdom was allowed, I never came across one that suggested Kerrymen asked the same question 115 times when the answer was the same each time! ("Michael Healy-Rae asks 115 Dáil questions in single day", July 25th)

It would be quite funny if I, as a self-employed taxpayer wasn’t paying €200 a go to keep the joke going.

Surely, Mr Healy-Rae should know that the people to ask these questions about hospital appointments are in the Health Service Executive.

On a more serious note, if the intention of Mr Healy-Rae is to move his clients up the waiting list, that means somebody else moves down the list or has an appointment or procedure cancelled.


Perhaps Mr Healy-Rae will pay for these questions out of his generous allowance?

– Yours, etc,



Dublin 14.