Sir, - Like you I congratulate the two senior Prelates who have been so open, honest and sincere in their recent remarks

Sir, - Like you I congratulate the two senior Prelates who have been so open, honest and sincere in their recent remarks. One might not agree with you in your editorial in describing them as "two senior clerics of different faiths". Representatives of different denominations might have been more appropriate.

Dr Walsh is to be praised, not only for his apology for the ne temere decree, but also for his clear enunciation of the many facets of our Christianity which we have in common, in particular our basic common faith. More emphasis on understanding and compassion is required rather than theological polarisation, from which we have suffered over the years and which we hope this correspondence will not provoke.

In the past, many individuals often clerics - have regrettably been responsible for almost implying that our different traditions of Christianity were supporting different gods. Lets us hope and pray that through communication and dialogue in the coming century that the gaps created will be narrowed and that we will walk together in harmony to our places of worship rather than march down narrow sectarian, bigoted lanes. Yours, etc.,



Dublin 18.