Fair fares on public transport

Sir, – Richard Bannister makes an important point about public transport and “sensible fares” (Letters, October 28th).

Every Sunday I visit a relative just 2km away as the crow flies. The bridge over the M50 at Glencairn is inaccessible to pedestrians. And so to walk would require a massive detour (leaving us significantly less time to enjoy each other’s company).

My realistic options are to use the Luas for €3.08 on a Leap card or to drive consuming 15 cent of electricity. So not only do I save €152 per annum by driving, but I also enjoy better value for my motoring “fixed” costs such as insurance, road tax, age depreciation, AA membership, etc.

We need a radical rethink of the precise role public transport plays – including the fare structures. – Yours, etc,



Leopardstown, Dublin 18.