Everything in the garden is lovely

Sir, – I was delighted to read Manchán Magan's article "One Change" (Homes and Property, July 20th).

In recent times I’ve been bemoaning the fact that, mainly due to advanced years, I can’t keep my back garden free from nettles, dandelions, briars, bindweed, and so on. Now I know that I’ve actually been promoting “ecological rejuvenation” and that it’s great for the planet.

Roll on, old age! – Yours, etc,



Dublin 14.

Sir, – Leave your gardens to nature and despite years of care and attention, it will with enormous speed and rapidity, subside into a conglomeration of ivy, briars nettles, et al. This I discovered, despite years of care and devotion, when no longer adequately able to tend my previous plot. As Kipling wrote, “That half a proper gardener’s work is done upon his knees”. So no slacking! – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.