European Union and democracy

A chara, – In the context of EU reform post-Brexit, it is vital that the peoples of Europe feel involved in all aspects of the European Union’s political processes. We elect our MEPs and are thereby invested in the European Parliament. We elect the governments of our member states and feel that our interests are represented by them at the European Council.

The European Commission, however, is too remote. Few know that the commissioners are approved, and can be removed, by the European Parliament. Their appointment is too opaque.

To further a sense of ownership of the European Commission and of a shared fate as Europeans, we need the commission president to be elected by the peoples of Europe, be that by popular ballot or electoral colleges, by one round of voting or two. A top-down EU is akin to a house built on sand. We must build our house on the rock of democratic legitimacy. – Is mise,



Dublin 7.