Environmental and financial realities

Sir, – Ireland is facing a lot of economic pressure now that we have two years of Covid pandemic fallout to deal with, not to mention the war in Ukraine and all that comes in its wake. We are helping those who fled this war situation to keep their families safe, while the men remain to protect their country. Ireland has a history of stepping forward to help those in disaster zones, and many have left this country for new lives elsewhere when we went through lean times. Environmental awareness has added adjustments to how resources are used. When it comes to the pressures on household incomes, dealing with increased house and rental costs, food and fuel increases, we have less control over these situations. For many it is not an option to have shorter showers, not use heating or drive less frequently. Many now drive long distances to work, at their own expense, as they need to go where the work is from where they can afford to live, without options of public transport. They may be caring for young children, an elderly or disabled family member, or have these issues themselves. The very young and elderly, and those with mobility problems, cannot regulate their body temperature reliably even when dressed, and may need to depend on being driven to appointments. Often these are individuals with less income to choose how to spend it, so the cuts run deeper and options reduce.

Tightening your belt can only go so far. Planning ahead for next winter by Government, businesses and individuals will be vital. – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.