Electric vehicles

Sir, – There is currently significant investment in advertising that aims to convert people to electric vehicles. This is to be welcomed, as this change is necessary if we are to get near our carbon emissions targets by 2020. However, there is significant investment needed in infrastructure before we convert more people to electric vehicles. Public charging points are becoming busier and are frequently broken, sometimes for days on end. It is becoming increasingly difficult to plan a journey as one never knows if there will be a charger available when needed. In addition, the home-charger infrastructure is inadequate.

Our own charger broke after four years, which the supplier says is an acceptable lifetime for an outdoor charger. At a cost of up to €1,000 to replace, this adds significantly to the running costs of the car. I would urge all relevant bodies to sort these issues out before investing further in trying to convince more people to make the switch. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 18.