Sir, Andy Pollak in his commentary on the Catholic Bishops' submission to the Forum for Peace and Reconciliation writes of the…

Sir, Andy Pollak in his commentary on the Catholic Bishops' submission to the Forum for Peace and Reconciliation writes of the "infrequent meetings of the Irish Inter Church Committee". In fact the Irish Inter Church Committee meets on a regular basis normally five times a year.

Since the first Irish Inter Church Meeting in 1973 there have been significant developments in ecumenical relations between the Protestant Churches and the Roman Catholic Church. Under the Irish Inter Church meeting umbrella there is now an Irish Church committee which provides a regular official meeting point between the Churches and departments of theological questions and social issues. In addition the Church leaders of the five largest Churches meet on a regular basis. There is actually more ecumenical activity going on in Ireland than ever before. Yours, etc., The Irish Inter Church Committee, Inter Church Centre, Elmwood Avenue, Belfast.