Eastern Bypass, Seaside Park

Sir, - I was delighted to read the letter from Mr David McCabe (December 21st) and I compliment him on the clarity with which…

Sir, - I was delighted to read the letter from Mr David McCabe (December 21st) and I compliment him on the clarity with which he outlined his proposals. I have enjoyed Sandymount Strand for the past 50 years and I began the project which resulted in the present short promenade on the seafront. I asked the late Mr E. J. Bourke, city engineer, to try diplomatically to convince the Sandymount Residents' Association of the benefits of a promenade which could be constructed in conjunction with the drainage-pipe laying scheme. This he did; but I was disappointed that the association did not agree to the promenade continuing towards Pigeon House Road as I had envisaged. All credit, however, to the association for the scheme that did proceed. It has proved a great boon and it is very satisfying to meet people from as far inland as Rathfarnham and Terenure who come for a breath of fresh air and exercise to Sandymount.

In more recent times I have been trying to promote interest in extending the promenade to stretch eventually from Pigeon House Road/South Wall to Williamstown with an attractive park inside it, greatly enhancing the amenity value of Sandymount Strand. Indeed, I was in the process of writing a letter to the city manager on this subject when Mr McCabe's letter appeared. He suggests extending the promenade to Dun Laoghaire West Pier - an excellent idea. On the way, improved bathing facilities could be provided at Booterstown, Williamstown and Seapoint.

There is no other city in the world with the same opportunity as Dublin to provide such an excellent recreational facility on its doorstep - more desirable than ever because of the increased residential development in the adjoining area.

Some people appear to lose all sense of reason at the very mention of the word "road", but it seems sensible to take some of the traffic to the east of existing built-up areas. A roadway would make economic and commercial sense and should make total environmental sense for the traffic-embattled residents of Ringsend, Irishtown, Sandymount, Merrion and Booterstown.


The Eastern Bypass project has recently been revived by some enlightened members of the Corporation - but in a tunnel. This is obviously to overcome perceived objections. I cannot think of any compelling objections to a surface roadway combined with the environmental development discussed above. If there are genuine and compelling objections perhaps a "sunken roadway" could be considered as an alternative to the tunnel at much less cost. It would remove the sight of those wretched cars from those who do not wish to have them in view.

There are people with expert management and professional skills in the Dublin authorities, so perhaps they could produce a scheme with the vision and creativity that Mr McCabe has sought. - Yours, etc., Bernard J. Tighe

Booterstown, Co Dublin.