Dún Laoghaire pier

Sir, – Dún Laoghaire harbour would never have been built in the early 19th century if Dermot Reidy's pessimism had then prevailed ("Cruise Pier will kill off Dún Laoghaire", October 22nd).

An Bord Pleanála is currently holding an oral hearing into the application for a cruise berth facility at Dún Laoghaire harbour. It is incumbent on the Harbour Company to make a robust case for a cruise berth, having regard to its mandate. That mandate involves developing the harbour as a marine tourism gateway to Ireland, maintaining and enhancing the recreational and amenity value of the harbour and promoting investment and commercial development to support the harbour’s historic long-term maintenance.

Mr Reidy would like to ensure that the Harbour Company didn’t “rock-the-boat”, but instead have the company continue to give precedence to the yachting community.

– Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.