Dublin Bus services and speed limits

Sir, – You provide details of the National Transport Authority's (NTA) decision to spend €1 billion over next few years to upgrade, expand and speed up Dublin Bus services as part of strategy to attract motorists from their cars ("Car drivers the target market of ¤1 billion plans for Dublin Bus", May 30th). Meanwhile, Dublin City Council will reduce the speed limit from 50km/h to 30km/h on many roads used by Dublin Bus routes in the south city area, thus extending their journey times. In the coming months, these 30km/h limits will be extended to the northern city suburbs, with similar effect of slowing some bus routes. In addition, the proposed pedestrian area around College Green will have the unfortunate side-effect of extending bus journey times.

The extraordinary fact that the NTA €1 billion proposals to speed up Dublin Bus is at variance with Dublin City Council’s policy of reduced speed limits does not bode well for either Dublin Bus users or the taxpayer. Is it too much to expect the relevant Ministers, Shane Ross and Simon Coveney, to direct these organisations to sit down around the table and engage in a bit of joined-up thinking? – Yours, etc,


Dublin 4.