Dublin Airport – ready for departure?

Sir, – DAA blames the long queues that leave passengers in tears of frustration on the bounce-back from Covid, staff shortages, etc.

One of the biggest causes is the same DAA’s ongoing stranglehold on Cork Airport. Passengers from the second-most populous city – and entire region – in the nation continue to be obliged to make a 500km round-trip to Dublin in order to avail of flights to most destinations, unless they wish to travel in the early hours of the morning or the handful of destinations one can reach from Cork airport. Not to mention tourists or business people whose first planned stop might be in the south or west of the country. If there was any politician or party in the Dáil with the courage to resolve this situation, passenger numbers at Dublin Airport could be dramatically reduced and many of the problems with delays resolved. It would help if passengers obliged to travel via Dublin Airport made their views known and their votes count. – Yours, etc,




Co Cork.

Sir, – May I suggest that those travelling through Dublin Airport carry a book with them?

Last Sunday, I spent nearly almost three hours in various queues at the airport. Luckily, I had purchased Trespasses by Louis Kennedy the day before. I was so interested in what I was reading that all the rest receded into the background. With no need for any terrestrial sustenance, and paying scarcely any attention to the surrounding chaos, my heart beat to the destiny of Cushla. My head was in the clouds long before takeoff. – Yours, etc,


Institut du Monde


Université Sorbonne

