Dublin Airport and Covid defences

Sir, – I read with interest Fintan O'Toole's article "Why a Covid test at Copenhagen airport but not Dublin?" (Opinion & Analysis, September 1st).

I too passed through Dublin Airport recently. I was shocked and surprised arriving at the stands with the passenger locator forms. No hand-sanitiser in sight and a handful of biros on the table for everyone to use. As in your columnist’s case, people crowded around these stands and there was little evidence of social distancing.

On arrival at passport control, I was interviewed about the details I had filled in on the form. I asked if a Covid test was available and the gentleman I dealt with appeared to be totally unaware of the existence of such a test. As a good citizen, I was careful to comply with the 14 days of self isolation. I did expect to at least get a call during this period checking up on my movements. I did not, however, receive any such call. I wonder how many people actually comply with this 14-day period of quarantine if no controls are taking place. I do feel that this is nothing other than a ritual.

If our Government is serious about controlling the situation, surely the model used at Copenhagen airport should be implemented here. We urgently need a better tracking system in place and the provision of a testing centre at our airport.


We need to do a lot better. – Yours, etc,


Glenageary, Co Dublin.

Sir, – Fintan O’Toole contrasted the experience of arriving passengers in Copenhagen (test is done in five minutes and the results are available online in less than 48 hours) with that in Dublin (where the systems for testing and follow-up checks on arrivals have been non-existent and a very sick joke, respectively). I sent the piece to a friend in Copenhagen. He responded that on Wednesday morning Copenhagen airport announced that it is doubling its test capacity due to some dissatisfaction with waiting times.

Once we get rid of the biros from our system in this, the tech capital of Europe, we should be grand.– Yours, etc,

