Sir, - Father Michael O`Leary of New York writes in condemning contraception that he wants to stay "true to God's Word."
The truth is that unless Fr O'Leary's bible is radically different, there is little or no scripture in it on contraception, compared, for example with condemnation of wealth, which his Church fails to even mention, much less uphold ("Money is the root of all evil". . . "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven", etc.) If Fr O'Leary looks south, in Catholic South America he will see not only the greatest extremes of wealth distribution in the world, but at the lower end millions of starving children living mainly by crime in shanty towns, having been forced out by their parents to make room in family homes for yet more children, under the influence of the clergy on the uneducated not to practise birth control.
Is that considered true to God's word? - Yours, etc.,
D. Stewart, Sydenham Drive, Belfast 4.